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Article about: Oppo F5 Comparison

Oppo F5 vs Vivo V7: Full specs, price comparison

Oppo F5 vs Vivo V7: Full specs, price comparison

With only a thousand difference in price, which do you think is better between the Vivo V7 and the Oppo F5? Not only does...

iPhone X vs Oppo F5 Comparison + Review

Happy with what the iPhone X can do? Maybe its too expensive and want a cheaper but also efficient phone? Here’s two of the...

Oppo F5 vs Vivo V7 Plus specs, price comparison: FullView screen face-off

Months ago, Vivo launched their Vivo V7 Plus smartphone,     so its time. Time to pit it against the Oppo F5 announced yesterday. That said,...
Oppo F5 official photos, full specs with P15,990 Philippine price

Oppo F5 official photos, full specs with P15,990 Philippine price

The Oppo F5 is finally here! Launched just hours ago, the smartphone gets a price that rivals the Huawei Nova 2i and the Moto G5s...
Oppo F5 vs Huawei Nova 2i specs, price comparison: Mid-range battle

Oppo F5 vs Huawei Nova 2i specs comparison: Mid-range price battle

Only a week after the Huawei Nova 2i was launched, another smartphone is set to face it off. Launched as the Oppo F5 priced...