Home Tech Comparison Benchmark Comparison: LG G4 vs Galaxy S6 vs Xperia Z3+ vs K80...

Benchmark Comparison: LG G4 vs Galaxy S6 vs Xperia Z3+ vs K80 vs Zenfone 2 ZE551ML

xperia z3+ lg g4 galaxy s6 vs lenovo k80 zenfone 2 benchmark comparison (1 of 1)

We put the budget flagships Asus Zenfone 2 ZE551ML and Lenovo K80 together with the high-end LG G4, Samsung Galaxy S6 and Sony Xperia Z3+ in a benchmark comparison comprising of AnTuTu and Basemark OS II test. Find out which phone performed better in this benchmark review.

AnTuTu benchmark

Our winner in the AnTuTu test is the Samsung Galaxy S6 powered by the Exynos 7420 octacore chip and 3GB amount of RAM. Coming close at the second place is the Snapdragon 808 hexacore-powered LG G4. The third and fourth spots were occupied by Lenovo K80 and Asus Zenfone 2, respectively. We were not surprised that the Sony Xperia Z3+ came last. Its Snapdragon 810 octacore chip, despite the octacore power, is experiencing heat issues, and maybe its CPU was throttled by the thermal control system of the device during the test.


  1. Samsung Galaxy S6 – 46714
  2. LG G4 – 45426
  3. Lenovo K80 – 41457
  4. Asus Zenfone 2 ZE551ML – 40218
  5. Sony Xperia Z3+ – 36317

Basemark OS II

The Galaxy S6 still turned out to be the top performer in the Basemark OS test garnering 1628 overall results. LG G4 took the 2nd place, while the Lenovo K80 sitting on third place. Sony Xperia Z3+ came close after the K80. Last is the Asus Zenfone 2 ZE551ML.


  1. Samsung Galaxy S6 – 1628
  2. LG G4 – 1355
  3. Lenovo K80 – 1089
  4. Sony Xperia Z3+ – 1045
  5. Asus Zenfone 2 ZE551ML – 950

Verdict: Numbers don’t 100% reflect actual, day-to-day use and Benchmark scores varies every test

The results are only based on numbers, using the smartphones in real life test is still the true measure of how reliable they are.

Even though the Xperia Z3+ has low benchmark results, our experience with the device is still pretty smooth and fluid. No lags and hiccups in running hefty games and apps. Its multitasking capabilities is on par with the LG G4 and Samsung Galaxy S6.

If you have any suggestion about comparisons and tests, feel free to leave your comments below.

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