Home Tech Editorials Five Tech Myths You Might Find Interesting

Five Tech Myths You Might Find Interesting

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Technology has been with us for a while now, and it keeps on improving. It has become something that we heavily rely on to continue forward on our daily routines and it is inarguably something that we need in our lives, with the importance of technology to society’s stability, one may thing that these new devices has a few mysterious traits off their sleeves. With that, we made a list of five interesting tech myths that you might find useful.

Mobile devices causes cancer

The myth:

It is said that mobile devices emit a certain radio frequency energy, which is said that can cause cancerous cells to react up in our body upon continuous exposure to the said energy. This radiation-like energy emits these through a phones activation process, thus, this happens upon using the device frequently.

The truth:

Apparently a few studies have connected mobile devices with cancer, theoretically. Though, they aren’t any recorded situation wherein this was to case, so no actual proof has yet been determined for this. Cases in the past determined that this might just stay as a myth, since smartphones have been a part of a  busy-body’s everyday encounters with society, and the majority of people who have been under the usage of mobile devices have continued their marry way with ease. Inconclusively speak, this is possibility but for now, we have to say that its okay to use your phone 24 hours a day, or probably not, since you might get other troublesome illnesses, other than cancer.

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Laptops on laps can cause sterility 

The myth:

Apparently, if you tend to put your laptop to your lap for an immeasurable amount of time, you could get sterile. It is said that connected wirelessly on your lap near a male’s reproductive organ may result in a decrease of male fertility rate.

The truth:

Well to say the least this is as good as true as the previous myth, since those you made the study themselves in regards to this, told everyone that this is still in the “speculation” stage and they might need a few more time to study this wholeheartedly. Truth be told, when you think about, this might not be even possible on the first place. One reason is that no one could at least last that long with a laptop on their lap, and for me, anyways i use a pillow to cover up my lap while using my device. Laptop users would often find various ways to place their laptop, such as table tops or whatnot, since it provides a more comfortable placing for their device. So i guess, for the meantime we have to say this myth ain’t exactly on one’s lap.

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More megapixels on a smartphones camera makes it better

The myth:

This myth is pretty much something that people use, in terms of deciding a smartphone. It is said that somehow more megapixels in a camera is equals to a better digital photo. This is something that many smartphone users might base their decisions on, so lets take a closer look into this myth.

The truth:

To tell you the truth, megapixel doesn’t necessarily make your photos better or rather it has something to do with your digital photo’s quality, apparently it only affects the photo’s size. The quality of an image actually depends on the camera sensor’s type and size, as well as the devices processor and optics. The only known thing that megapixels affect is the quality of a zoomed image of a smartphone. Bottomline, megapixels only affect the zoomed in quality of the image wherein, whether you zoom in or not, the digital image stays true to its original quality, where in a way improves not the overall image quality of your output, but rather just something to make it less grainy and help in adjust to the device’s resolution view.

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Closing smartphone apps helps your devices save power

The myth:

For me, i’m mostly guilty of overdoing this particular myth, i’ve always closed unused applications on my smartphone, because i always thought that it helps in saving up some needed battery power, especially in days that i won’t have any access to my charger for a long amount of time. I’m sure i’m not the only one though, most of us think that this helps us greatly in saving power, but does it really do its job?

The truth:

Apparently, its more complicated than we though, because it seems that it is actually dependent on your device’s operating system. For example, iOS has this feature wherein an app moves from active to background state until suspended state, suspended apps would no longer consume processing power nor battery power from the device, for windows 8 operating system, it seems that they follow the same principles, although they’re exceptions. Exceptions like GPS applications and call applications that are considered to run on background state, which can consume a bit more of the phone’s power. For android, they’re apps continue to run out of screen, though, forcefully stopping them by the user will get rid of them.

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Draining your device’s battery will condition it

The myth:

It is said that rechargeable batteries has to tendency to decline its battery potency upon continuous charging, but it is also said that you can condition your device by simply draining its battery to zero, which is said to help the device cope and maintain battery potency rate, without depleting it momentarily.

The truth:

Apparently, this used to be true for nickel-cadmium battery cells that were used for earlier devices, but not true for the more recent lithium-ion cell. It is said that lithium-ion cells can be charged without consuming all the battery’s life, or without full charging the device, which some may think would hurt there devices. Ironically, its actually bad for devices to fully drain their battery, since it is apparently the reason why your device will decrease its performance overtime. All you have to do is maintain good battery charging schedules and try not to drain your phone when you don’t have to. For it might help your phone to last longer than it should.

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All mentioned myths here have been researched and apparently showcased a few more information. Some of these myths might not be true, but its always better to be safe than sorry. Try to always handle your devices with care and don’t overstrain yourself by using them too much.

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