Home Tech Editorials 6 Tips and Tricks in Landscape Smartphone Photography

6 Tips and Tricks in Landscape Smartphone Photography

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Many don’t know, but smartphones are quite ideal for landscape shooting, thanks to their huge viewfinder, that can be typical to a smartphone’s overall sensor build. With this, though, we’ll provide you some decent tips that you can follow if you’re looking to shoot your own “perfect” wide-angle shots.

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Know your sensor’s field-of-view

Not all smartphones are built with the same field-of-view or the way you view things through your sensor. Some things might appear closer and other things might appear brighter. It all depends on your sensor’s build up and special features, so before you go shooting of wide-angled shots, make sure to learn the limits of your phone’s field-of-view.

Adjust your body position to your phone’s field-of-view

Once you’ve gotten used to your phone’s field-of-view, it’s now easier for you to adjust yourself. By adjusting your position, you can easily get prepare your shots with ease and will easily provide you an easy framing experience. With adjusting your position, the shots might even become better as a whole.

Determine your subject

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Landscaping photography usually doesn’t have a subject in mind, but that makes it a little trickier, because if you miss your chance to provide focus to a subject and failed to determine that particular subject, then most likely the shot is imperfect. Try to determine first who you’ll focus the shot with and set everything else as background, though not unless you’re shooting an empty sky, subjects are to be prioritized.

Take your time

Always take your time before you press the shutter button, or in smartphone’s case, the camera button. Learn to analyze the field first, determine whether the framing and shot are in order, as well as know if there are unnecessary parts of the photo that you would gladly not involve your photo, a bystander perhaps or anything that doesn’t fit the bill. Whatever it is, it’s best to determine it first before taking the shot.

HDR features are really good in landscape shooting

Steady shots and maximized quality should differentiate a good landscape shot to a perfect one. Learn to use your phone’ HDR feature (assuming your phone has one) and learn to maximize it at its fullest. HDR shots bring out a photo with no moving subject and landscape shooting usually doesn’t have any moving subjects to shot, so it’s a very good tool to use when shooting in wide-angle scenarios.

Frame your field

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Always learn to frame your field, landscape shooting isn’t all just put-and-shot. Learn to frame your shot and know which part of the photo will your incorporate to the actually shot. Always try to take your time, a landscape shot isn’t something that you should be pressing on that. It takes precision and precision takes time.

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