Home Lifestyle Facebook’s Interactive Reaction Emojis Hit Philippine Shores

Facebook’s Interactive Reaction Emojis Hit Philippine Shores

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If you happen to be living in a cave this past few days then most likely you haven’t heard of Facebook’s new interactive reaction emoji feature. This particular feature was Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s answer to the lack of dislike buttons on the widely used social network site. For now, Facebook is testing out the emoji’s in different areas of the world and the Philippines happens to be one of it, so getting our hands-on experience on the new emoji’s gave us the edge. Lets get a bit closer on this 2 day old Facebook feature.

The interactive emoji that can be an alternative to commenting

This new particular emoji feature could undoubtedly be a good alternative to commenting as a whole, since it primarily focuses on a few basic reactions to a particular post, such as love, which i think is  equivalent to like, but i could be wrong, since the like feature is still available. There are also options for haha and yey, which we could assume is a reaction for something funny and the wow option for a reaction on amazement or being surprised. There are also 3 negative options, such as confused, which as its name suggests, states for the reaction of confused or misunderstanding and sad and angry, which doesn’t need any type of explaining as to what they are used for.

These emoji’s could otherwise give opportunities to those you aren’t used to commenting about what they feel on the social media site, which they can now share there distraught or happiness on a set particular feature.

Knowing the people who reacted to your post

There is also a counting feature for the reaction emoji, located beside the like counts, which is actually very useful. We played around with the new feature and it showcased our reaction on a reaction count for all of the emojis, meaning, you can see the people who has reacted on that particular post and you know, ask them why the gave you an angry reaction and stuff, haha. All jokes aside, this particular feature is really good in knowing the exact amount of people that are actually into your posts or the exact number of people who hated in, since it’ll probably give you a heads up on whether your post might have offended a few people, without those people actually commenting bad about you.

See also: Facebook 360-degrees Videos Could Redefine Social Media Advertising and Marketing

What do you think about Facebook’s new reaction emoji feature? Hit us up on the comments section below and share your thoughts on the matter. We highly appreciate all feedbacks from you guys.

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