Home Tech Editorials Five Useful Tips For Smartphone Users

Five Useful Tips For Smartphone Users

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As smartphone-users, we often get ourselves in a few slumps, especially if its about our device and its uses. Smartphones are just recent comings to our millennia, so there are still some smartphone related things that we yet to understand. In regards to this, we figured to provide you with five useful tips for the everyday smartphone joe.

Back up important photos and documents downloaded on your smartphone

This is actually pretty common knowledge, not only for smartphone-users, but also for computer users alike. The term always save up before you proceed is a normally saying for people on certain projects, tasks or home works. Theres nothing like the feeling of dread, felt when your PC or Mac hangs in a middle of work, while you haven’t actually saved yet (ah. good times, good times), and this actually applies on smartphone documents and images as well. unexpected errors or circumstances that would require you to either hard reset your phone, is always a possibility, so having a few backed up images would keep you in the game, despite that minor step back. I have had situations wherein important documents regarding school was saved to my phone, since i was always in a hurry. And sudden errors on my device force me to hard reset my device, which is a total bummer, since i’ll be using those precious, precious documents. So, don’t be like me and try to always have a few back ups.

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Be more organized with your apps

Truth be told i’m actually guilty of not patronising this particular tip, since i really don’t have the time to get things organised, and also because i’m not an overall organised person (don’t judge me). but i can’t hide the fact that organising your apps is truly quite impactful. Not only does your phone’s UI looks like a desk of a well-mannered individual, but also, it helps you find certain application easier, since folders will help you specifically put certain applications into place and put all related apps into one folder. Ah, isn’t technology amazing! This behaviour is pretty rare from people, but smartphone-users that has a lot of apps in their devices, more or less resort to this tip, since it will pretty much help them a lot.

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Path your downloaded Mp3’s on your device’s internal storage place

This is literally something i came out with just now, from certain experiences in the past, i think that its best to path your mp3’s on your phone’s internal storage, instead of the microSD one, though it may sound unreasonable, since probably the reason you bought the microSD card in the first place is to have a bigger storage for your tunes, but trust, its all gonna be worth it. Been there, done that, i had enough of scenarios wherein my microSD card will get messed up and i had to clean the storage, removing all possible mp3’s on the process, which is pretty saddening and dreadful, if you love your tunes as much as i do. Though, i do still use my microSD card for certain downloads that aren’t exactly as important, or for movie or video mp4’s, which actually, i don’t mind in losing.

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Get to know your device’s shortcuts

This is a tip that might take some time to truly get used to. Mastering your device is in the hands of its user, and no, that wasn’t a line from a samurai movie. Getting to know your device’s shortcuts and maximising its gesture feature will help you increase your phone browsing tenfold. You’ll be able to get things done easier and quicker and also be able to get to certain services with ease. Something that will truly benefit you as a user and help you get the most experience of your device.

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Close idle apps on the background to minimize lag and increase phone performance

A pretty common thing to do. Closing certain idle apps on the background will help you minimize experienced lag and therefore increasing your phone’s performance. Always make this a habit, since idle apps can be a bit of a nuisance, especially gaming applications that are already activated, or is still undergoing game play, since apparently this apps still consume a good pair of your data, as well as battery, so not only that you’ll save your device from the burden of lag, but you’ll also save a decent amount of battery life, which you can use further. As mentioned, always make this habit, i’ve gotten used to doing this a lot, even if they’re merely option apps.

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This tips are all courtesy of us, here at manilashaker, though some of the tips here are pretty much generally at all aspects and could be frequently being done already by the majority of our readers. If you’re one of them, hopefully, you can still see a few tips on this list that you don’t know about to compensate for the time on reading.

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